This morning, I made my favorite breakfast: scrambled eggs, lightly wilted spinach and sautéed tomatoes.

The way I really like my eggs is when they’re moist and fluffy and melt in your mouth. But I’m impatient and usually in a rush.

Usually, I beat the eggs mercilessly. Then cook them in a super-hot pan with vegetable oil until they’re dead – as in hard and dry with no trace of liquid.

But not today.

Today, I took my time and followed my British friends’ instructions. I focused on getting each element right and put love and care into the process. The eggs took longer to cook, but they were delicious. (By the way, chef’s secret: start with a knob of butter on very low heat!)

The other unusual thing I did was that I sat and ate without looking at my smartphone or reading something else. That added to the enjoyment.

And something I didn’t expect was the feeling of calm. Like I could handle whatever comes my way.

So, whether you’re expecting a hectic day ahead or you’ve had one already, stop the franticness.

Store up your reserves of calm by calling a timeout to do something with love and care. It could be cooking, tending to your plants, playing with your pet, or something else you enjoy.

Not only will you create a joyful experience for yourself (and your pet!), you’ll feel calmer and more prepared for whatever comes next.

What simple activity will you approach with love and care to set yourself up for a better day ahead?

Leave a comment and let me know.