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How to Secure Your Job During Layoffs Through the Power of Advocates
It’s natural to worry about your future when there could be layoffs in your company. Take these three steps to get advocates who can support and strengthen your position and create better opportunities for your career.
3 Common Mistakes in Important Career Conversations
Your career is filled with important conversations and how you handle them can make or break your chances of success. Carla Harris shares the common mistakes to avoid in important career conversations.
Artificial Intelligence: 5 Actions to Avoid Getting Left Behind in Your Career
Artificial Intelligence is rapidly becoming embedded into the new way of working, making it impossible to ignore. Here are five actions you can take to avoid losing your job to AI and getting left behind in your career.
How to Sound Like an Executive
When you sound like an executive, stakeholders are more likely to take you seriously and better opportunities come your way. Focus on these three areas to develop the ability to sound like the senior executive you aspire to be.
3 Ways to Boost Your Executive Presence Without Saying a Word
It can take time to get comfortable speaking with confidence and gravitas. While you build up that skill, here are simple and often overlooked ways to demonstrate executive presence that don’t require you to say a word.
How to Gain the Respect of Senior Stakeholders
To get the recognition, opportunities and fulfillment you want at work, you need to gain the respect of your senior stakeholders. But how do you do that? Here are what five types of senior stakeholders tend to respect most.
5 Behaviors in Meetings That Sabotage Your Executive Presence
Meetings are golden opportunities to show your executive presence. But it’s easy to sabotage the way you come across to others without realizing it. Watch out for these five behaviors to safeguard your executive presence.
How to Present Confidently to Senior Executives in a Meeting
Presenting effectively is all about knowing your audience. When it comes to senior executives, here are 3 points to keep in mind to present powerfully to them in your next meeting.
How to Be Seen as Someone with Potential
To keep advancing in your career, it’s important for your senior stakeholders and colleagues to see you as someone with greater potential. Here are three ways to use everyday opportunities to show you have potential.
How to Motivate Your Team When the Company Vision is Vague and General
A company's vision is meant to energize, motivate and bring people together around common goals. But what if your organization's vision statement is vague and general? Here's how to get your team excited and motivated with the company vision.
5 Compliments You Don’t Want to Get if You Want to Be Seen as Strategic
Being seen as strategic is a huge opportunity to advance in your career. How do you figure out whether people see you as strategic or not? The easiest way is to start noticing how people describe you.
The Essential Skill to Survive Disruptive Changes in the Workplace
We’re in a period of tremendous change in the workplace with major shifts happening. Now is the time to pause and look up from the daily grind to see what’s happening and understand how you want to play it.
Unlock the Rewards From Stakeholder Management: 5 Reasons to Invest in It Now
Good stakeholder management is essential for advancing your career because the quality of your relationships makes all the difference in your career. Here are 5 advantages your stakeholders can give you when you manage them well.
A More Powerful Way to Motivate Your Team Than Saying “Great Job!”
Have you ever praised your team for their good work by saying things like “great job!” or “well done”? Discover why this can backfire on you as a leader and the better option that motivates them and makes for a stronger team.
How to Be Intentional About the Year Ahead
Whether you’ve had a challenging year or a great one, it’s still possible to feel exhausted. So give yourself permission not to make a strong start to the year if it feels too effortful and try this calmer and intentional approach instead.
3 Simple Ways to Get Your Career Off to a Great Start This Year
This is a natural time to do some thinking and planning for the year ahead. Here are some super simple ways to set yourself up for success without spending lots of time or spinning your wheels.
5 Steps to Achieve Your Goals for the New Year
It's the time of year when we set goals for the new year. These five steps are my takeaways from Stephen Duneier's TEDx talk called ‘How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals’ and some of the things I found to be useful in setting and achieving goals.
How to Fix a Big Mistake at Work and Overcome Negative Perceptions
What would you do if you made a mistake at work that went all the way up to senior management? While there’s no magic wand to make problems disappear, there are steps you can take to salvage the situation.